Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord think highly of

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
think highly of
(esteem; think well of; prize; value; appreciate)
achting hebben voor
achting toedragen
think highly of
(have a high regard for; think well of; like)
(enormously; extremely; awfully; dramatically; exceedingly); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 But it’s certainly highly irregular and inappropriate.
(in a large measure; greatly; extremely; largely; bigly)
in hoge mate
🔗 Tightly controlled by the government, North Korea’s economy is one of the least free in the world and is said to be highly inefficient.
(deem; opine; feel; hold; reckon; see; believe; find); ; ;
🔗 Ukrainian officials have said they think Russia is running out of troops to keep fighting and could soon come to terms with its failure to topple the Ukrainian government.
🔗 Do you think he understands that?
(reflect on; think about; ponder; reflect; give thought); ; ;
(guess; presume; suppose; surmise; assume; deem; take it)
🔗 I thought that I was alone in the garden.
🔗 Have you ever thought of that?

think highly of een hoge dunk hebben van
highly alleszins; hogelijk; hoog; hooglijk; hoogst; in de hoogste mate; in hoge mate; uiterst; zeer
think achten; bedenken; denken; gedachte; geloven; houden voor; menen; nadenken; prakkezeren; prakkizeren; van plan zijn; vinden; wanen; zich bedenken; zich bezinnen; zich denken; zich voorstellen