Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord losdraai

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
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losdraai uncoil; unfray; untwine; untwist; work loose
draai bend; bent; boggle; turn; change; coil; corner; court; crank; creek; curve; dally; dawdle; dilly‐dally; dodge; double; twist; whorl; hinge; revolve; rotate; roll; wind; veer round; shift; slew; tarry; linger; lag; loiter; hesitate; spin; gyre; change one’s opinion; lay; grind; jerk; rev; sweep; swim; throw; turning; hook; involve; jink; run; screw; serpentine; shuffle; swing; swirl; tergiversate; take a turn; turn‐about; twiddle; veer; wheel; whiffle; whirl; whorling; winding; work round; wrench; wrest; wring; writhe
los abandon; adrift; loose; in bulk; casual; clear; clear up; crank; debark; detachable; detached; discharge; disconnected; disengaged; dishevelled; disjointed; disjunct; dissolute; fast; fluent; floppy; licentious; flipperty‐flopperty; unattached; free; gay; glibly; in the loose; incoherent; incohesive; lax; light; liquid; movable; odd; take out of pledge; quit; replevy; slack; unchecked; unclasp; unconstrained; undone; unfixed; unhand; unload; unship; vague
losgedraai unwound