English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word past hope

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 He held it that way and hoped he was right.
🔗 Hope turning to sharp despair, he staggered into the village.
🔗 You’re my only hope.
🔗 However, some hold onto the slim hope that the evidence becomes so compelling Johnson has to listen.
verleden tijd
🔗 In the past you might have learned a language like C or Java without much concern about the platform on which you would be programming.
pli malproksime ol
(beyond; by; behind); ;
(last; passed; over); ; ;
🔗 It’s also why the chances of the next 193 days being any different than the past 193 days are very, very small.
verleden tijd
(after; in; upon);
(earlier; preceding; previous; prior);
🔗 Consider these two stories about Kelly in the past week.

past hope hopeloos
hope hoop; hopen; uitzicht; verhopen; verwachten; verwachting
past afgelopen; ex‐; geleden; langs; langs … heen; na; over; verleden; verleden tijd; voorbij; voorbijgegaan; vroeger