English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word one is safe in saying

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(secure); ;
🔗 You are safe here.
(harmless; benign)
(strong‐box); ;
(harmless; sure; riskless); ;
🔗 It was just the way I said.
(for example; for instance; e.g.; i.e.)
ni diru
🔗 Then we heard the mass and the priest said to say a prayer for the pope.

one is safe in saying men kan gerust zeggen
safe behouden; betrouwbaar; brandkast; gezond en wel; kluis; ongedeerd; provisiekast; safe; solide; solied; veilig; vertrouwd; zeker
say bidden; bijvoorbeeld; inspraak; laten we zeggen; medezeggenschap; opzeggen; pakweg; spreken; zeg; zegge; zeggen; zeggenschap