Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa overdraw

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
(attract; appeal; allure; beckon; beguile)
🔗 What is drawing so many overqualified people to these jobs?
(equality; parity)
(make a stroke; draw a line; streak)
trazar una línea
(drag; haul; pull; tug; draught; drawl; tow; twitch)
(extract; excerpt; spoon; bail)
🔗 But he also drew the attention of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and ended up in prison for his political activities.
🔗 Instead he drew Tam’s sword.
(draught; bill)
letra de cambio
(elicit; extract; glean; pull; withdraw; worm; draw forth; drag out)
(release; unleash; utter)
dejar salir
🔗 He drew a mug of ale which he set before Jubal, then drew another for himself.
(above; beyond; up)
por encima de
(about; concerning; for; of; regarding; after; on; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward)
acerca de
🔗 On July 29, Michigan declared a state of emergency over Parchment’s water.
(across; beyond; on the other side of; to the other side of; on this other side of)
al otro lado de
🔗 People cried out from every side, men and women shouting over one another.
(last; past; passed)
🔗 It’s over.
(during; at; for; by)
🔗 The rain also caused widespread travel disruption over the weekend.

overdraw sobregirar
draw altraerse; aspirar; atraer; atraer mucha gente; calar; cobrar; compuerta; consumir; correr; dar; derretir; devengar; dibujar; echar suertes; empatar; empate; girar; hacer; levantar; librar; llamar; redactar; robar; robo; sacar; sacarse; sorteo; tablas; tirar; tirar bien; tirar de; tiro
over acabado; concluído; superior; adicional; excesivo; encima; al otro lado; a la otra orilla; hacia abajo; al revés; patas arriba; otra vez; de nuevo; de añadidura; a la vuelta; acá; sobre; encima de; por encima de; por; de un extremo a otro de; al otro lado de; más allá de; desde; más de; acerca de; por causa de; durante