Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord worldview

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(consider; contemplate; envisage; regard)
(feature; scene; sight; vista);
(sight; vision; eyesight)
(appearance; aspect; look; sight; countenance; guise; respect; looks)
(opinion; contention; sentiment; stand; viewpoint);
(perspective; outlook; prospect; viewpoint; vista); ; ;
(watch; witness);
toeschouwer zijn
(look; look at; behold; eye; watch); ; ;
(regard; deem)
🔗 Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Marija Zacharova, commenting after the vote, said Moscow continued to view Taiwan as an integral part of China.
🔗 We are living in a world where dictators support each other to retain their power.
🔗 Russian state TV presents a picture that is worlds away from the realities of the battleground.
🔗 The world can be a dangerous place when one is a stranger.
🔗 In Trump’s world, there seems to be little wrong with lying to get the advantage.

worldview wereldbeeld
view aanblik; aanzicht; bedoeling; bekijken; beschouwen; beschouwing; bezichtigen; bezichtiging; bezien; blik; denkbeeld; gezicht; in ogenschouw nemen; inkijk; inzicht; kijk; kijken; kijkje; mening; oogmerk; opvatting; overzicht; schouwen; schouwspel; stellingname; uitzicht; visie
world aarde; heelal; mensheid; mondiaal; wereld