Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord shift for oneself

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(move; stir; adjourn);
🔗 In the last few years, and especially over the past 18 months, Georgia’s ruling coalition has made a series of moves that seem designed to distance the country from the West and shift it gradually into Russia’s sphere of influence
(move; stir; adjourn); ; ; ;
(movement; move; motion; stroke); ;
(change; alter; convert)
(detachment; force; squad; unit; team);
🔗 He shifted his cloak, thankful that the fires were cold, else it would have been to hot for the black wool draping him to the floor.
(sheath petticoat; chemise)
🔗 Sweat drenched Talene, matting her golden hair, soaking her linen shift till it clung to her.
(change; alter; convert; turn)
🔗 Having failed to capture major Ukrainian cities, Russia has shifted tactics, escalating its bombardment of them.
(about‐face; alteration; conversion; transformation; change);
🔗 The shift in tone is unsurprising given Russia’s string of humiliating defeats on the battlefield, which has exposed Putin’s weakness to his friends and enemies alike.

shift for oneself zich behelpen
shift afwisseling; draaien; hemd; kwijtraken; omleggen; omlopen; ploeg; ploegendienst; schuiven; uitvlucht; van plaats wisselen; veranderen; verandering; verhalen; verhuizing; verkassen; verleggen; verliggen; verruilen; verschikken; verschuiven; verschuiving; verspríngen; verwijderen; verwisselen; verzetten; vrouwenhemd; werken; werktijd; wisselen; zich verplaatsen; zich verschonen; ómzetten