English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word government building

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Irma destroyed government buildings, tore roofs from houses and left northern Caribbean islands without power or communications.
🔗 Winds of 70 miles per hour will uproot trees, which can block roads and crush cars or buildings.
(construction; structure);
; ;
🔗 Governments aren’t alone in turning the screws on the Russian economy.
🔗 There has also been increased government spending in Russia as it pours resources into its war machine.

government building gouvernementsgebouw
building aanbouw; bouw; bouwwerk; gebouw
government beheer; beheersing; bestuur; bewind; gouvernement; kabinet; leiding; ministerie; overheid; overheids‐; regering