Diccionario inglés–español

Traducción española de la palabra inglesa Irish

inglés → español
inglésespañol (traducido indirectamente)esperanto
🔗 The Irish PM has also said the UK needs to agree to a level playing field.
Irish elk
(Irish giant deer)
alce irlandés
ciervo gigante
giganta cervo
Irish giant deer
(Irish elk)
alce irlandés
ciervo gigante
giganta cervo
Irish ivy
(Atlantic ivy)
hiedra de Irlanda
hiedra del Atlántico
Irish potato
(potato; potato plant)
🔗 The European Union has made clear that without an agreement on Ireland, there will be no Brexit deal.
🔗 Among the dead was an Irishman who was on his honeymoon, his family said in a statement from the Irish government.

Irish irlandés
Irish elk alce irlandés; ciervo gigante
Irish ivy hiedra del Atlántico; hiedra de Irlanda
Irish potato papa; patata
Ireland Irlanda
Irishman irlandés