Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord the benefit of the doubt

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(advantage; edge; upside)
🔗 But its benefits for Bangladesh are questionable, experts say.
(gain; profit; win; advantage)
🔗 Sir Paul Jenkins, who was the British government’s top legal official for nearly a decade, said May was “foolish” to think the UK could carry on reaping the economic benefits of access to the single market without adhering to EU law.
(aid; assist; help; attend to; advance; avail); ;
ter zijde staan
🔗 Further escalation of the trade conflict benefits no one.
(aid; help; assistance); ; ; ;
voordeel bezorgen
(gain; profit);
(do good)
(profit; gain; take advantage of);
voordeel trekken uit
winst maken
🔗 Speaking to the Financial Times, Sajid Javid admitted not all businesses would benefit from Brexit.
🔗 The new arrangement will definitely benefit India.
🔗 And in sudden doubt they relaxed their holds.
🔗 So the pedlars said, and the merchants, and no one in the Two Rivers with any sense doubted it.
🔗 He doubted he could distinguish one from another, and he had an eye and a memory for faces.

the benefit of the doubt het voordeel van de twijfel
benefit baat; baat vinden; benefiet; benefietvooorstelling; bevorderen; gave; goeddoen; nut; ten goede komen aan; ten voordeel strekken; toelage; tot voordeel strekken; uitkering; voordeel; voordeel trekken; weldaad
doubt betwijfelen; in twijfel staan; in twijfel zijn; onzekerheid; twijfel; twijfelen; twijfelen aan; twijfeling; vermoeden; vrezen