Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord lie in state

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Do you know what horrors lie behind that wall?
(tell a lie)
🔗 Tom, don’t lie to me.
🔗 But, as we both know, it would be an utter lie.
(be situated; sit)
🔗 As its name suggests, the country lies at the very heart of the African continent, away from major trade routes and population centres, and very far indeed from public attention.
(assert; allege; claim; affirm; aver; maintain);
🔗 Second, he stated that the forelimbs were not adapted either for digging or holding struggling prey.
(declare; profess; pronounce; adjudge);
🔗 “I respond to three questions”, stated the augur.
(condition; standing; status); ; ;
🔗 That state can persist for days, weeks, or even months.
(articulate; put; utter; voice); ; ;
(define; determine; narrow; pinpoint)
nader bepalen
; ;
(pomp; splendour; grandeur; ballyhoo); ;
(federal state);
🔗 In Mexico, the plant is grown mostly in the states of Hidalgo and Morelos.

lie in state op een praalbed opgebaard liggen; opgebaard liggen
lie fabuleren; leugen; liegen; liggen; ligging; onwaarheid; rusten; slapen
state aangeven; blootleggen; constateren; deelstaat; gala‐; gesteldheid; luister; mededelen; meedelen; melden; officieel; opgeven; parade‐; poneren; praal; rang; rijk; staat; staatsie; staatsie‐; staats‐; stand; stellen; stemming; testeren; toestand; uiteenzetten; vaststellen; verklaren; vermelden