Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord final act

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(take action; move; perform); ; ; ;
🔗 My office acted properly in every aspect of the investigation.
(action; deed; move; step);
🔗 The girls told of men coming in off the street and the girls having to perform sexual acts.
(be effective; have effect; impact; impinge; work; avail; be efficacious; exert; have an effect; produce an effect)
(action; accomplishment; deed; measure);
🔗 And what are the usual penalties for my act?
(deed; bill);
(behave; conduct oneself)
🔗 The truth is that Trump’s attempt to act as though everything is totally normal and there is no need to alter our routines has failed.
(serve; attend); ; ;
(appear; seem; look); ; ; ;
🔗 Act as adults for once, and accept facts.
(conclusive; last; ultimate);
🔗 His final years were spent at Fulham Palace, the home of his friend Henry Compton, bishop of London from 1675.
(definite; definitive; decided; decisive; firm; positive; affirmative; irrevocable)
(decider; play‐off; finale)
(last; hindmost; latest; latter; ultimate)

final act slotbedrijf
act act; acteren; akte; bedrijf; conférence; daad; dissertatie; doen; fungeren; handelen; handeling; iets doen; in actie komen; inwerken; naar buiten brengen; nummer; optreden; opvoeren; proefschrift; spelen; spelen voor; te werk gaan; toneelspelen; verhandeling; werken; wet
final beslissend; definitief; eindafrekening; eindexamen; eindwedstrijd; eind‐; finaal; finale; laatste; slot‐; uiteindelijk; uiteindelijke