Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord burn the midnight oil

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(be on fire)
🔗 I saw the burned houses
(sear; strike)
🔗 Go, before I speak a spell to burn you with fire.
(flash on; take fire; ignite; light; catch fire)
🔗 The burn later became infected, requiring a second visit.
(glow; glow with heat; be ardent)
(brook; stream; rill; beck; rivulet)
(burn down; incinerate)
🔗 Do you really believe they went to all that bother just to burn a few houses?
🔗 Jean‐Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, said at a midnight press conference after the discussion: “I do find it uncomfortable that there’s an impression perhaps in the UK that it is for the EU to propose solutions.”
🔗 The wood is used to make furniture, flooring, and rifle stocks, and oil is pressed from the seeds.
(kerosene; mineral oil; naphtha)

burn the midnight oil er nachtwerk van maken; tot diep in de nacht doorgaan; tot diep in de nacht doorwerken; tot diep in de nacht studeren
burn aanbranden; aangaan; bakken; beek; branden; brandgat; brandplek; brandwond; brandwonde; gloeien; inbranden; opbranden; opstoken; steken; stoken; uitbranden; verbranden; verstoken; verteren
midnight middernacht; middernachtelijk
oil in olie inleggen; insmeren; invetten; met olie insmeren; olie; oliën; omkoperij; omkoping; smeren; vleierij