Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord gather way

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(assemble; raise)
🔗 What he had gathered already would have to do, he decided.
(assemble; congregate; meet; convene; come along);
🔗 The Kremlin‐installed leaders of the four Ukrainian regions, and their officials, have gathered in the Russian capital for the ceremony.
🔗 It ruled that the three rejected candidates had failed to gather 10,000 valid signatures.
(manner; mode; bearing; fashion; style);
🔗 There’s just no way.
(route; course; passage; pathway; road)
🔗 She walked the rest of the way at a dignified pace.
(custom; mores; usage)
🔗 Many ways were different in Shienar from what he was used to, and there were some to which he would never become accustomed if he lived for ever.

gather way vaart kry
gather aankeer; aanneem; aflei; afpluk; byeenkom; bymekaarbring; bymekaarsoek; in; ingaar; inhaalsels; inneem; inryg; kry; oes; opmaak; opraap; optrek; plooi; plooie; pluk; raap; rimpels; rye; ryg; saampak; sprokkel; vergader; versamel; verstaan
way gang; gebruik; geleentheid; gewoonte; manier; pad; rigting; snelheid; tak; trant; weg; wyse