Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord be down on one’s luck

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(downhill; downward; downwards; below)
🔗 She moved down through the garden.
🔗 A large portion of travel routes are blocked by downed trees and power lines.
(shoot; shoot down; bring down)
🔗 And on Friday, Zelensky said the country’s forces had downed three Russian Su‐34 warplanes.
🔗 I seem to have luck with the dice.
(destiny; fate; fortune)
(chance; opportunity)

be down on one’s luck daar sleg aan toe wees; in die moeilikheid wees; teenspoed ly
down af; afdraand; afdrink; afgaande; dons; donshaartjies; duin; grasbult; laat val; langsaf; melkbaard; mismoedig; na onder toe; neer; neergooi; neerlê; neerslagtig; onderkry; teenslag
luck fortuin; geluk; toeval