English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word boiling‐point

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 But relations between Prigožin and the Russian army, which have long been strained, reached a boiling‐point this week.
🔗 T’sais dropped the point of her sword to the ground.
🔗 His approval rating in Iowa has dropped a staggering 21 points since he took office.
🔗 The first two points are of little importance.
(dot; period; spot; locus; moment; full stop; stop)

boiling‐point Siedepunkt
point Argument; Pluspunkt; Pointe; Punkt; Seite; Spitze; Stelle; Zacke; Zeitpunkt; Zweck; deuten; richten; zeigen; zeigen mit