English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word hopeful

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Bolsonaro and his children—who, like Trump’s, play an active role in politics—had been hopeful about Trump’s re‐election bid.
(complete; integral; plenary; thorough)
(replete; satisfied);
(complete; integral; thoroughgoing; whole); ; ;
🔗 A failure to strike a full trade agreement would therefore require emergency measures to be put in place.
; ;
🔗 He held it that way and hoped he was right.
🔗 Hope turning to sharp despair, he staggered into the village.
🔗 You’re my only hope.
🔗 However, some hold onto the slim hope that the evidence becomes so compelling Johnson has to listen.

hopeful hoopgevend; hoopvol; veelbelovend
full gevuld; goed; goedgevuld; heel; plenair; rond; ten volle; uitvoerig; vervuld; verzadigd; vlak; vol; volledig; vollen; voltallig; volwaardig; zeer
hope hoop; hopen; uitzicht; verhopen; verwachten; verwachting
hopefully hoopvol; hopelijk