English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word have enough and to spare

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(be lenient with; indulge; leave; relent; turn a blind eye to)
(save; economize; save up)
🔗 Spare my wife!
(auxiliary; backup)
(give; administer; grant; impart; provide; confer; allow; afford; invest with; deal; fetch; yive)
🔗 “When you can spare the time,” said Nai the Hever, “I wish a few words with you.”
(begrudge; think a pity; be concerned for; be anxious about; fear for)

have enough and to spare meer dan genoeg hebben
spare afstaan; besparen; dol; extra; gek; geven; gunnen; mager; missen; ontzien; razend; reservedeel; reserveonderdeel; reserve‐; schraal; sparen; uitzinnig; verloren; verschonen van; vrij; zuinig zijn; zuinig zijn met