English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word half title

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(half a; semi‐)
🔗 Visual effects are the most common, occurring in up to 99% of cases and exclusively in more than half.
🔗 Half the village is in ashes.
🔗 She still knelt by the bed, but she had taken her hands from Tam and half turned to face the two of them on the bench.
(designate; entitle; give a title to; style);
(heading; caption; designation; style)
🔗 Books and teaching materials that could violate the law have been removed from libraries, including titles written by gaoled activist Joshua Wong.

half title franse titel
half half; half en half; halverwege; helft; kaartje voor half geld; middenspeler; semester; speelhelft
title aanspraak; betitelen; betiteling; bewijs van eigendom; een titel verlenen aan; eigendomsbewijs; eigendomsrecht; gehalte; predikaat; recht; titel; titelen