English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word grow out of shape

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(become; get; arise)
🔗 Her eyes grew heavy.
(augment; increase; rise); ;
(cultivate; raise; force)
in kassen kweken
🔗 They discovered a quantity of cannabis plants being grown in a tent inside the flat.
(raise; increase)
laten groeien
(increase; enlarge; aggrandize; augment; get bigger; get larger; grow larger; make larger); ;
🔗 After the war, condom sales continued to grow.
(cultivate; farm; work); ;
🔗 It is, however, possible to grow potatoes from true potato seed.
🔗 It is relatively rare and in Britain is now usually confined to pockets of ancient woodland, although it can also be found growing in hedgerows.
(wax); ; ;
🔗 The UK economy barely grew in 2023, slipping into recession at the end of the year in stark contrast with prime minister Rishi Sunak’s pledge to generate economic growth.
(form; configure; fashion; frame; mould)
(form; configuration);
🔗 The leaves of trees come in a wide range of shapes and sizes which have evolved in response to environmental pressures including climate and predation.
(affect; influence; impinge; sway; bias);
invloed hebben op

grow out of shape vergroeien
grow aanbouwen; aangroeien; aankweken; aanwassen; bouwen; groeien; groot worden; kweken; laten groeien; ontstaan; telen; toenemen; uitgroeien; verbouwen; vermeerderen; voortbrengen; wassen; worden
shape bewerken; concretiseren; conditie; fatsoen; fatsoeneren; gedaante; gestalte; inrichten; leest; maken; model; modelleren; pasklaar maken; postuur; regelen; scheppen; vorm; vormen; zich ontwikkelen; zich vormen