English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word experimental plot

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(intrigue; scheme)
🔗 No such plot exists.
(conspiracy; collusion);
(collude; contrive; connive);
🔗 Not only had Russian intelligence services failed to prevent the attack, they said, but Putin had failed to heed warnings from the United States that extremists were plotting to target Moscow.

experimental plot proeftuin
experimental bevindelijk; ervarings‐; experimenteel; proefondervindelijk; proef‐
plot bekokstoven; bekonkelen; beramen; complot; complotteren; in kaart brengen; intrige; intrigeren; konkelen; konkelfoezen; ontwerpen; perceel; plannen maken; plattegrond; samenspannen; samenspanning; samenzweren; samenzwering; smeden; stukje grond; stukje land; terrein; traceren; uitzetten; verwikkeling