English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word commend

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(glorify; laud; praise; extol);
(laud; praise; applaud)
🔗 Ḥamās and Iran are longtime allies, but Tehran, which has commended the Islamist group’s October 7 operation that killed some 1,400 people in Israel, has denied involvement.
(confide; entrust; trust; consign; rely upon);
vertrouwen op
commend highly
(laudable; praiseworthy); ;
🔗 The efforts, though commendable, have suffered from a complete misunderstanding of the script’s structure.

commend aanbevelen; aanprijzen; bevelen; de groeten doen van; prijzen; roemen
commend highly aanprijzen
commend itself to in de smaak vallen bij; instemming vinden bij
commend me to breng mijn groeten over aan; geef mij maar
commendable loffelijk; lofwaardig; prijzenswaard; prijzenswaardig
commendation aanbeveling; lof; lofspraak; lofuiting
commendatory aanbevelend; aanbevelings‐; aanprijzend; lof‐; prijzend
discommend afkeuren; afraden; berispen; misprijzen