English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word coal‐pit

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
🔗 We must become independent from Russian oil, coal and gas
🔗 Suddenly the coin in his pocket, the coin Moiraine had given him, seemed like a burning coal.
(core; kernel; gist; nub; pith; stone; crux)
(cave; cavity; hollow; lair);

coal‐pit kolenmijn
coal kolen; kolen innemen; kolen laden; kool; steenkool; van kolen voorzien
pit afgrond; diepte; groef; groeve; hoek; holte; inkuilen; kolk; kuil; kuiltje; kuiltjes vormen in; lidteken; mijn; mijnschacht; parterre; pit; pok; put; putje; putjes vormen in; springbak; valkuil