English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word celebrate mass

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(officiate); ;
; ; ;
🔗 We have some reason to celebrate.
🔗 Future Victory Days will celebrate the defeat of both Nazi Germany and Putin’s Russia.
(crowd; heap; multitude; pile; accumulation; body; bevy);
🔗 “It’s true”, Rand shouted, then gestured at the growing mass of people, all giving voice.
(crowd; multitude; host; throng)
🔗 He added that dropping mandatory celibacy would be the biggest change in the Catholic Church for over 50 years since mass began to be conducted in English instead of Latin.
(heavy; massive)
🔗 It was a remarkable claim, given that Musk has executed mass lay‐offs and chased away hundreds of employees, draining the company of much‐needed resources to enforce content moderation policies, which the billionaire has also publicly criticized.
(accumulate; crowd; gather; pile up)
zich ophopen
(swarm; bevy);
(agglomerate; fuse);
doen samenklonteren
tot een geheel verenigen

celebrate mass de mis bedienen; de mis lezen; de mis opdragen
celebrate celebreren; feesten; feestvieren; fuiven; houden; loven; opdragen; prijzen; verheerlijken; vieren; voltrekken
mass gros; hoop; massa; massaal; massa‐; merendeel; mis; ophopen; samenhopen; zich ophopen; zich samenhopen; zich verzamelen