English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word address

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The man addressed turned slowly around and faced the speaker.
(accost; intervention; message; speech);
🔗 The true nature of the Russian assault, and its significance for the rest of the world, shone through a poignant address by Zelensʹkyj, who said he had called Putin earlier and got only silence on the line.
(lecture; discourse; speech); ;
(treat; handle; tackle)
🔗 It remains to be seen how and if he will address the scandal.
(lecture; discourse)
een lezing houden
een spreekbeurt houden
(confront; face; cope with)
het hoofd bieden aan
(direct; guide; manage; steer; conduct; drive; head; lead; refer)
🔗 You may now address to him whatever remarks you deem proper.
🔗 In Pennsylvania, two judges rejected the Trump campaign’s attempts to invalidate nearly 9,000 absentee ballots from around the Philadelphia area Friday, tossing out six court cases where the Trump campaign had argued the ballots were invalid because the outer envelopes did not have a name, date or an address that should have been filled out by the voter.
accommodation address
address file
change of address
email address
farewell address
(valedictory; valedictory address)
home address
IP address
postal address
(valedictory; farewell address)
🔗 She paid tribute to her husband Philip who joined her outside Number 10 as she gave her valedictory address.

address aanpakken; aanspreekvorm; aanspreken; adres; adresseren; bekwaamheid; handigheid; oorkonde; optreden; redevoering; richten; tact; toespraak; toespreken; verwijzen; zich wenden
accommodation address schuiladres; tijdelijk postadres
address a petition to een adres richten tot
address bar adresbalk
address book adresboek
address file adressenbestand
address oneself to aanpakken; entameren; zich bezighouden met; zich toeleggen op; zich wenden tot
address somebody with iemand met … aanspreken
address stencil adresplaatje
address to richten tot; toevoegen; verwijzen naar
change of address adreswijziging
cover address schuiladres
dispatch address verzendadres
email address e‐mailadres
farewell address afscheidsrede
form of address aanspreekvorm; beleefdheidsvorm
give an address een toespraak houden
holiday address vakantieadres
home address huisadres; privéadres
inaugural address intreerede; openingsrede
IP address IP‐adres
living address woonadres
mailing address correspondentieadres
pay one’s addresses to het hof maken
postal address correspondentieadres; postadres
private address privéadres
telegraphic address telegramadres
valedictory address afscheidsrede
addresser afzender; requestrant