English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word spare part

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Airbus also said it was suspending support services and supply of spare parts to Russian airlines.
(piece; share; portion);
🔗 Some PHP functions use a function you provide them with to do part of their work.
(divide; separate; segregate)
🔗 They’re only acting the part of the enemy.
(save; economize; save up);
🔗 Spare my wife!
(give; administer; grant; impart; provide; confer; allow; afford; invest with; deal; fetch; yive)
🔗 “When you can spare the time,” said Nai the Hever, “I wish a few words with you.”

spare part onderdeel; reserwedeel; vervangstuk; wisseldeel
part aandeel; afbreek; aflewering; afskeid neem; afstand doen; breek; deel; gedeelte; onderdeel; part; plig; rol; skei; stuk; uiteengaan; uitmekaargaan; verdeel
spare bespaar; ekstra; klaarkom sonder; maer; matig; mis; ontbeer; ontsien; opspaar; orig; reserwestuk; reserwe‐; skraal; spaar; spaarsaam