Ingelsk–Frysk wurdboek

Fryske oersetting fan it Ingelske wurd job centre

Ingelsk → Frysk
IngelskFrysk (net rjochtstreeks oerset)Esperanto
(average; mean; middle; midst)
🔗 Inside, baggage was piled in the centre of the floor.
🔗 In April, Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarskij was killed in an explosion at a cafe in the centre of Saint Petersbug, where he was appearing as a guest of a pro‐war group.
🔗 However, the most distinctive feature of Peking, which has decisively affected the formation of Peking’s new middle class, is its peculiar position as China’s political and administrative centre.
(function; office; post; capacity; position)
🔗 Wolff also claims Trump never really wanted the job of president at all.
🔗 Around 200,000 people are at risk of losing their jobs in the Russian capital following foreign companies leaving the country, Moscow mayor Sergej Sobjanin said in a blog post Monday.

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