Ingelsk–Frysk wurdboek

Fryske oersetting fan it Ingelske wurd artilleryman

Ingelsk → Frysk
IngelskFrysk (net rjochtstreeks oerset)Esperanto
(ordnance; gunnery)
🔗 A defiant president Volodymyr Zelensʹkyj said Kyiv remained under Ukrainian control on Saturday as Russian forces renewed their assault, pounding the capital and other cities with artillery and cruise missiles.
(human being; human)
🔗 What sort of men were they who tended these fires?
(fellow; male; bloke)
(agent; operative)
(human race; mankind; humanity)
🔗 The four men drank wine.

artillery artillery
man houtsje; man

It wurd artilleryman koe troch ús net yn de selektearre doeltaal oersette wurde.