Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord strong meat

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 I don’t buy meat anymore.
(vigorous; forceful; tough; stallwart; powerful); ; ;
🔗 She wanted to stay with his strong arms around her and his cock buried deeply in her for ever.
(firm; robust; sturdy; burly; resistant; rugged; solid; tough; able‐bodied; hefty; stout); ; ; ;
🔗 Smaller grain size makes a ceramic stronger, because the larger a grain is, the easier it is for cracks to both form and spread.
🔗 You have strong enemies.
🔗 Bernie Sanders is undeniably the strongest candidate against Donald Trump.
🔗 Hence, this is not a strong argument.
🔗 While the odour of urine can vary somewhat, in most cases, it does not have a strong smell.
; ;
🔗 Strong winds forced a flight at Heathrow Airport to abort its landing seconds after touching down on the runway.

strong meat zware kost
meat diepere inhoud; eten; kost; spijs; vlees; vleesspijs; voedsel
strong duchtig; fors; gegrond; goed; hecht; krachtdadig; krachtig; kras; potig; ranzig; solide; solied; sterk; stevig; straf; vast; vurig; zwaar