Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord step on the gas

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 CC3 is much more selective in trapping these gases compared to other experimental materials.
(petrol; motor spirit; benzine)
🔗 The cost of groceries and gas have forced her to cut back.
🔗 The US and the Ukraine are against it, fearing that Russia could use gas as a weapon to pressure Europe into submission.
(pace; stalk; tread);
(pace; footstep; footfall); ; ;
🔗 He took two steps forward.
(rung; stair; stairstep); ;
🔗 Down and ahead the stone steps continued, dropping into blackness.
(act; action; deed; move); ; ; ; ;

step on the gas er vaart achter zetten; gas geven
gas benzine; bluf; gas; gassen; gebral; gezwets; kletsen; opsnijderij; vergassen; zwammen
step danspas; gaan; interval; inzetten; opstapje; pas; promotie; schrede; sport; stap; stappen; step; trap; trappen; trapsgewijs plaatsen; tred; trede; treden; tree; voetstap