Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord sell not the skin before you have caught the bear

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(give birth to; farrow; beget; give birth);
🔗 The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the girl who should bear my sons.
(produce; yield)
(endure; put up with; suffer; sustain; ail);
🔗 I can’t bear to watch.
🔗 Local police said the bear attacked three men, one of whom was seriously injured, and a woman in her 80s, according to NHK.
🔗 Also she had observed that some of the horses bore riders.
(endure; cope; stand; withstand; make it through); ; ;
🔗 He was not sure he could carry Tam as far as the village even if his father could bear to be carried.
(endure; put up with; tolerate; abide; brook; condone; stand; stomach); ; ;
🔗 Your protests, though of superficial plausibility, will not bear serious examination.
🔗 He could not bear any more sympathy, any more attempts to boost his spirits.
🔗 He bore her up the stone stairs.
(fur; hide; pelt; coat);
🔗 She rode well and het clear tanned skin indicated an outdoor life.
(flay; strip)
; ;
🔗 Nynaeve did, too, and I thought she was going to skin me and the guard both.
(peel; shell)
(bark; husk; peel; shell; hull)

sell not the skin before you have caught the bear men moet niet de huid verkopen voordat men de beer geschoten heeft; men moet niet de huid voordat men de beer geschoten heeft
bear aanwenden; afbuigen; baissier; baren; beer; behalen; bevatten; bullebak; contramineur; doen dalen; doen gelden; dragen; dulden; gaan; gelijden; hebben; inhouden; liggen; lijden; lopen; schenken; toedragen; toelaten; torsen; uithouden; uitoefenen; uitstaan; verdragen; verduren; voeren; voortbrengen; zich uitstrekken; à la baisse speculeren
skin afstropen; huid; huidje; leren zak; ontvellen; pel; pellen; schil; stropen; vel; velletje; villen; vlies