Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord row off

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(file; line; rank; queue; round; run; sequence; bank; string);
(dispute; quarrel; argument; controversy; disagreement; scrap; altercation); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Of particular interest is the current row over Johnson’s plan to override part of the Brexit deal he signed with the European Union, called the Northern Ireland Protocol.
(yammer); ;
(tumult; agitation; clamour; havoc; mayhem; turmoil; stir; ruckus)
(round; sequence; string)
(quarrel; wrangle; squabble; bicker)
🔗 Prigožin, who has long rowed with the Russian defence ministry over a lack of arms, reiterated his dissatisfaction and said his fighters were suffering a high level of casualties.

row off afroeien
row bonje; file; heibel; herrie; huizenrij; kabaal; kift; kiften; oploop; pan; rang; reeks; rel; relletje; rij; roeien; roeien tegen; roeitochtje; ruzie; schandaal; straat; trammelant