Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord party politics

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(adherents; disciples; following; supporters; circle; number)
distra vespero
(celebration; festival; feast; festivity; fiesta; fête); ;
🔗 I can’t even imagine the party they’re going to have tomorrow with this news,
🔗 That’s an ambitious goal in a country where parties affiliated with Thaksin, who built his political success on populist policies that appealed to Thailand’s rural heartland, have won every election since 2001.
(adherents; disciples; followers; following; retinue)
(participant; sharer)
(camp; faction; side)
🔗 Politics in the UK turned inside out and upside down after last week’s general election.
🔗 The darker truth is that Washington politics runs contrary to public opinion not only on climate change but on many pressing issues, including limiting healthcare costs, taxing the rich, cracking down on pollution, controlling gun violence and other issues.

party politics partijpolitiek
party aanhang; afdeling; bent; comparant; de bloemetjes buiten zetten; deelnemer; detachement; feest; feest vieren; feestje; fuif; gezelschap; groep; partij; partijtje; ploeg; troep
politics politicologie; politiek; staatkunde