Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord official

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 It is now official government policy.
(officer; functionary; customs official)
🔗 Western officials have said Russia has had a hand in meddling in the name change campaign.
; ;
(cadre; frame; framework; box; context; level; parameters); ;
bank official
(bank clerk; banker)
customs official
(officer; official; functionary)
government official
(civil servant)
official duties
oficaj okupoj
official language
officiële taal
oficiala lingvo
official residence
ofica loĝejo
official secret
postal official
(post‐office servant; post‐office official; postal worker)
🔗 Within hours, Putin revealed that he wanted to replace Medvedev with a little‐known tax official named Michail Mišustin, who didn’t even have an English‐language Wikipedia page on Wednesday morning.
🔗 Officially, the textbooks were edited to reduce the learning load for students.
(tax official)

official ambtelijk; ambtenaar; ambts‐; beambte; functionaris; officieel; staatsdienaar
bank official bankbediende
council official gemeenteambtenaar
court official hofdignitaris
government official bestuursambtenaar; gouvernementsambtenaar; rijksambtenaar
head official hoofdambtenaar
municipal official gemeenteambtenaar
official business dienstzaak; dienstzaken
official duties ambtsbezigheden; ambtsplichten
official language stadhuistaal
official receiver bewindvoerder; curator
official residence ambtswoning; dienstwoning
official secrecy het ambtsgeheim
official secret ambtsgeheim
official year bestuursjaar; dienstjaar
railway official spoorwegbeambte; treinbeambte
senior official topambtenaar
tax official belastingambtenaar
officialdom ambtenarij; bureaucratie
officialism ambtenarij; bureaucratische rompslomp; officieel gedoe
officially ambtshalve; qualitate qua; van overheidswege; van regeringswege
revenue‐officer belastingambtenaar
semi‐official officieus; parastataal
unofficial informeel; inofficieel