Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord native to the place

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(indigenous; autochthonous)
(autochthon; aborigine)
🔗 The trial was initially planned for February, for example, but delayed for six months when the company’s owner, New Zealand native Michael Pratt, filed for bankruptcy. “
(aboriginal; indigenous);
🔗 White sweet clover is native to Europe and Asia.
(aboriginal; aborigine);
(congentital; inborn; inbred; innate)
iemand van daar

native to the place daar inheems; daar thuishorend
native aangeboren; autochtoon; geboorte‐; gedegen; inboorling; ingeboren; inheems; inheemse soort; inlander; inlands; natuurlijk; puur; vaderlands; zuiver