Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord native soil

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(indigenous; autochthonous)
(autochthon; aborigine)
🔗 The trial was initially planned for February, for example, but delayed for six months when the company’s owner, New Zealand native Michael Pratt, filed for bankruptcy. “
(aboriginal; indigenous);
🔗 White sweet clover is native to Europe and Asia.
(aboriginal; aborigine);
(congentital; inborn; inbred; innate)
iemand van daar
(ground; earth);
🔗 They require bare soil to germinate.
(spot; stain; mar; besmirch); ; ;
🔗 You’ve soiled my bed!
(contaminate; dirty; pollute; besmirch); ; ; ;
🔗 The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again emphasizes that it is not in favour of any attack on Pakistan and we will not allow anyone to use the soil of Afghanistan against Pakistan.

native soil geboortegrond
native aangeboren; autochtoon; geboorte‐; gedegen; inboorling; ingeboren; inheems; inheemse soort; inlander; inlands; natuurlijk; puur; vaderlands; zuiver
soil aarde; afvalwater; bemorsen; besmetten; besmeuren; bevlekken; bevuilen; bezoedelen; bodem; grond; land; smet; smetten; teelaarde; uitwerpselen; vlek; vlekken; vuil; vuilmaken