Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord money is the root of all evil

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Never before had the presence of evil so poignantly oppressed me.
(perverse; wicked)
🔗 Was he evil?
(fault; foul); ;
; ;
🔗 Two of the most evil persons in the world, Gim Jeong‐eun and Vladimir Putin, are going to meet in Vladivostok, Russia.
(bread; dough);
🔗 They had plenty of money.
wortel schieten
🔗 Unlike almost all other willows, pure specimens do not take root readily from cuttings.
(stem; radix)
🔗 The roots of Norway maples grow very close to the ground surface, starving other plants of moisture.
(square root)

money is the root of all evil geld is de wortel van alle kwaad
evil boos; erg; euvel; kwaad; kwaal; kwalijk; onheil; onzalig; slecht; snood
money centen; geld; geldelijk; munt
root aanslaan; fundamenteel; grond‐; inwortelen; opscharrelen; radix; te voorschijn halen; verankeren; woelen; wortel; wortel doen schieten; wortel schieten; wortel‐; wroeten