Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord letter of application

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(employment; use);
(employment; use);
(request; bid; petition; plea; behest);
(claim; pretention); ;
(application form; form of application)
🔗 Any application has to be approved by 11 sitting judges.
(application form)
(industry; diligence)
🔗 Deliver the letter only into his hands and at the earliest possible moment.
🔗 Each letter has one sound only, and any sound is always rendered by one and the same letter.

letter of application sollicitatiebrief
application aanmelding; aanvraag; aanwending; aanzoek; gebruik; inschrijving; omslag; smeersel; sollicitatie; sollicitatiebrief; toepassing; vlijt
letter beletter; brief; geschrift; letter; letteren; schrijven; verhuurder