Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord government

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
; ;
🔗 Governments aren’t alone in turning the screws on the Russian economy.
🔗 There has also been increased government spending in Russia as it pours resources into its war machine.
🔗 He would find himself in charge of a makeshift coalition government, which considering the chaos the country would be in, would have to include senior Labour politicians.
🔗 Irma destroyed government buildings, tore roofs from houses and left northern Caribbean islands without power or communications.
government official
(civil servant)
🔗 May is now trying to form a minority government.
(restrain; cover; head; master; be in charge; be in charge of; be at the head of); ;
(rule; reign; be in power)
🔗 Pakistan, a nation of 220 million, is notoriously hard to govern.
🔗 In German, prepositions can govern the genitive, dative, or accusative, and none of these cases are exclusively associated with prepositions.

government beheer; beheersing; bestuur; bewind; gouvernement; kabinet; leiding; ministerie; overheid; overheids‐; regering
be under petticoat government onder de pantoffel zitten; onder de plak van zijn vrouw zitten
central government rijksoverheid
church government kerkbestuur
coalition government coalitieregering
government arms rijkswapen
government assistance staatssteun
government authority overheidsinstelling
government building gouvernementsgebouw
government care staatszorg
government circles regeringskringen
government commission staatscommissie
government commissioner regeringscommissaris
government crisis regeringscrisis
government examination staatsexamen
government expenditure staatsuitgaven
government expenditures staatsuitgaven
government exploitation staatsexploitatie
government gazette staatscourant
government grant rijkssubsidie
government help staatshulp
government institution rijksinstelling
government interference overheidsbemoeiing; staatsinmenging
government loan staatslening
government measure regeringsmaatregel
government office rijksbetrekking; staatsbetrekking
government officer gouvernementsambtenaar
government official bestuursambtenaar; gouvernementsambtenaar; rijksambtenaar
government of the state staatsbestuur; staatsbewind
government policy regeringsbeleid
government printing works staatsdrukkerij
government prosecutor landsadvocaat
government railways staatsspoorwegen
government school staatsschool
government servant gouvernementsambtenaar
government service gouvernementsdienst; rijksdienst
government spending staatsuitgaven
government stamp rijksmerk
government stocks staatspapieren
government supervision staatstoezicht
government troops regeringstroepen
government undertaking staatsbedrijf
government year‐book regeringsalmanak
hold the reins of government de teugels van het bewind in handen hebben; het bewind voeren
interim government interimbestuur
local government plaatselijk bestuur
minority government minderheidskabinet; minderheidsregering
petticoat government vrouwenregering
popular government democratische regeringsvorm; volksbestuur; volksregering
puppet government marionettenregering
seat of the government regeringszetel
system of government regeringsstelsel
under government in ’s lands dienst
govern beheersen; besturen; leiden; regelen; regeren
governmental gouvernementeel; regerings‐; van rijkswege
misgovernment slecht bestuur; wanbestuur
self‐government autonomie; zelfbestuur