Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord glass mineral wool

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 He poured red wine into a glass.
🔗 Plain curtains hid the interior, but the glass in the windows was so poor she doubted she could have seen anything clearly with the curtains drawn.
🔗 Prigožin’s demise has raised questions about the future of Wagner’s operations in Africa, where the mercenary group has used brutal tactics to prop up militant groups and authoritarian régimes in exchange for mineral riches.
🔗 The Deccan is rich in minerals.
🔗 A shouting woman in brown wool swung her heavy basket at the dog tugging Toveine’s skirt, making it dodge away.

glass mineral wool glaswol
glass barometer; glaasje; glas; glas‐; glazen; kijker; spiegel; van glas voorzien; verrekijker; weerglas
mineral delfstof; delfstoffen‐; mineraal; mineraalwater
wool wol