Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord examination question

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(investigation; test; review; scrutiny; survey)
; ; ;
(issue; query; inquiry);
🔗 Turjan put his question.
🔗 Perhaps then you would prefer to question her?
(challenge; contest; dispute; protest; controvert); ;
ter discussie stellen
🔗 There is no evidence linking these incidents to either the palace or the military government, but they are being seen by dissidents in Thailand as a warning not to question the status of the monarchy.
(challenge; defy; affront); ; ;
(doubt); ; ;
(interrogate; query; quiz)
(ask; inquire; demand)
🔗 “Who are you?” he questioned.
🔗 On Wednesday, Giuliani criticized Daniels over her profession, and questioned her credibility and reputation.
(thing; matter; case; issue)
🔗 He apparently expected NATO would be divided on the question of helping a non‐member.

examination question examenvraag
examination examen; kennisneming; keuring; ondervraging; onderzoek; verhoor; visitatie
question aanvechten; betwijfelen; betwisten; in discussie brengen; in twijfel trekken; interpellatie; kwestie; ondervragen; onderzoeken; sprake; ter discussie stellen; twijfel; uitvragen; vraag; vraagstuk; vragen