Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord chest

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(bosom; breast);
🔗 Near the head and chest was a bronze sword, its ivory hilt covered in gold.
(box); ;
🔗 A few cabinets and chests, most of them skilfully made by Tam himself, lined the walls, and high‐backed chairs stood around the table.
(dresser; chest of drawers);
(trunk; coffer)
(closet; cupboard; press)
chest cavity
brusta kavo
chest of drawers
(chest; dresser)
sea chest
tightness of the chest

chest borst; borstkas; kas; kast; kist; koffer; schrijn
ammunition chest munitiekist
blanket chest dekenkist
chest affection borstaandoening
chest of drawers commode; ladenkast; latafel
community chest noodfonds
get something off one’s chest over iets zijn hart luchten
pigeon chest kippeborst
sea chest scheepskist
throw out one’s chest een hoge borst opzetten
tightness of the chest benauwdheid
chest‐complaint borstkwaal
chest‐measurement borstwijdte
chest‐trouble borstkwaal
china‐chest porseleinkast
powder‐chest kruitkist
tea‐chest theekist
tool‐chest gereedschapskist