Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord block of shares

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(bar; corner);
(boulder; chunk)
(clog; stop up; choke; congest; fill; plug; stuff; tamp; stop; stopper)
(bar; obstruct; dam; exclude; stem); ; ;
🔗 Meanwhile, John Eastman, the conservative attorney who falsely told Trump that vice‐president Mike Pence could block the certification of Biden’s win, could join Trump’s legal team defending him in the upcoming impeachment trial, a person familiar with the matter said.
🔗 Billionaire media mogul Barry Diller, who sits on the boards of Expedia, Coca‐Cola and MGM Resorts International, told CNBC that Trump Media is a ”scam” and people buying its shares are “dopes”.
(helping; portion; ration)
; ;
(part; piece; portion)
🔗 I should like to feel that I am doing my share, but if you say no I can only abide by your decision.
(interchange; swap; change; exchange; switch; trade)
; ; ; ; ; ;
sperti kune
samen gebruiken

block of shares aandelenpakket
block aandelenpakket; afsluiten; afzetten; belemmeren; belemmering; blocnote; blok; blokkeren; blokkering; cliché; huizenblok; katrol; katrolblok; obstructie; opstopping; pakket; serie; stremmen; stremming; tegenhouden; verhinderen; versperren; verstoppen; vorm; vorm voor hoeden
share aandeel; deel; deelnemen; deelnemen in; delen; delen in; fonds; ploegschaar; portie; quota; quotum; samen gebruiken; schaar; taks