Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord Rome

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 After the barbarians had swept down on Rome, and the great empire had fallen apart, Latin learning lingered in the monasteries, and was the chief subject taught in schools.
🔗 Mediaeval Roman politics were anything but stable.
🔗 Irish pirates invaded Anglesey following the end of Roman rule in Britannia.
🔗 Beside the gleaming splendour of the Roman, the quiet garb of this man seemed drab, almost somber.

Rome Rome
Rome was not built in a day Keulen en Aken zijn niet op één dag gebouwd
when in Rome, do as the Romans do <schik u naar de gebruiken van het land>
Roman Romein; Romeins; rooms