Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord Middle East

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 The Turkish leader has since risked the wrath of the NATO alliance by buying Russian weapons, and backed attacks on US and European interests in the Middle East.
Middle East
(Near East)
Nabije Oosten
(eastward; eastwards)
naar het oosten
🔗 Ukrainian reports say Putin’s troops are fleeing east to the Russian border in whatever transport they can find, even taking cars from the civilian population in the areas they had captured since the start of the war in February.
🔗 It is bordered by Togo to the west, by Nigeria to the east and by Burkina Faso and Niger to the north.
🔗 Though Ukrainian officials have been sounding the alarm about new Russian attacks in the east, there is also scepticism on the Ukrainian side about Russian capabilities as those forces currently stand.
(average; mean; medium; mid); ;
(average; mean; centre; midst)
🔗 Come here to the middle of the chamber, both of you.
(middle voice)

Middle East Midden‐Oosten
east naar het oosten; oost; oostelijk; oosten; oosten‐; ooster‐; oost‐; ten oosten
middle middel; middelbaar; middelste; middel‐; midden; midden‐; tussen‐