Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord odd jobs

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(function; office; post; capacity; position)
🔗 Wolff also claims Trump never really wanted the job of president at all.
(task; chore; stint; assignment)
🔗 Why do you select me for this job?
(commission; errand; charge; entrustment; mandate; trust; appointment; authorization)
(post; capacity; office; position; station; appointment)
🔗 There is no doubt that she has been helped by the fact that none of her potential successors wants her job at the moment.
🔗 Around 200,000 people are at risk of losing their jobs in the Russian capital following foreign companies leaving the country, Moscow mayor Sergej Sobjanin said in a blog post Monday.
(peculiar; strange; curious; weird; queer; off‐beat; funny; outlandish)
🔗 Magicians were odd folk.

odd jobs allerhande karweitjies; los werkies; pseuselwerkies
job agentwerk doen; baantjie; betrekking; handel in effekte; karweitjie; kmoeiery; knoei; makelaarswerk doen; por; ruk; saak; smoutwerk; spekulasie; spekuleer; steek; taak; verhuur; werk; werkies verrig
odd aardig; eksentriek; koddig; los; onewe; ongelyk; onpaar; onpas; potsierlik; raar; snaaks; sonderling; verlore; vreemd; vreemdsoortig