Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord tand‐

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Die dolfynkaak het baie tande (tot soveel as 250 in sommige spesies).
🔗 ’n Tandarts van George in die Wes‐Kaap sal in Augustus gevonnis word op aanklag dat hy ’n 15‐jarige seun verkrag het, berig die Saturday Star.

tand cam; cog; jag; perforate; prong; spike; tang; tine; tooth; tusk
tand‐ dental; odontic; odontoid
die tande kners grind the teeth
die tande op mekaar byt set one’s teeth
hare op die tande hê have plenty of grit
iemand aan die tand voel take somebody’s measure
met die mond vol tande staan be tongue‐tied
met lang tande eet peck at
oog om oog, tand om tand an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
op jou tande byt grit one’s teeth
tand des tyds ravages of time
tot die tande gewapen armed to the teeth
van die hand in die tand from hand to mouth
van die hand in die tand leef live from hand to mouth
ankertand abutment tooth; fluke
baktand grinder
braaktand tusk
drietand trident
egtand harrow‐pin
getand crenate; crenated; dentate; denticular; denticulate; edged; fanged; serrate; serrated; jagged; pronged; saw‐toothed; tined; toothed
giftand fang; poison‐fang; venom fang
hoektand canine; canine tooth; corner‐tooth; herringbone tooth; tush; tusk
intand indent
kiestand cheek‐tooth; grinder; jaw‐tooth; molar; back tooth
klappertand chatter
kunstand artificial tooth
kunstande artificial teeth; denture; plate
melktand colt’s‐tooth; milk‐molar; milk tooth
muistand milk tooth
oogtand canine; canine tooth; dog‐tooth; eye‐tooth
skeurtand laniary
slagtand dog‐tooth; eye‐tooth; fang; tusk; canine; laniary; tush
snytand chisel‐tooth; incisor; foretooth; nipper; sectorial tooth
tandafstand pitch
tandarts dentist; dental surgeon
tandbederf tooth decay
tandbeen dentine
tandbeitel jagger; jagging iron
tandbeskrywing odontography
tandboog quadrant
tandboor dental drill
tandeborsel tooth‐brush
tandedokter dental surgeon; dentist
tandekrapper toothpick
tandekry dentition; teething
tandeloos edentate; toothless; edentulous
tandepasta tooth‐paste
tandepoeier dentifrice; dental powder; tooth powder
tandeskoonmaker toothpick
tandestoker pick; quill; toothpick
tandetrekker forceps
tandformule dental formula
tandheelkunde dental science; dentistry
tandheelkundige dental surgeon
tandhigiëne dental hygiene
tandjie denticle; dentil; toothlet
tandkunde odontology
tandletter dental; dental letter
tandlys dental moulding; dentil‐moulding
tandmiddel odontic
tandpasta tooth‐paste; dentifrice
tandplaat denture
tandploeg ripper
tandpyn toothache; odontalgia; odontalgy
tandrat cogged wheel; cogwheel; sprocket; pinion; gear; gear‐wheel; rack; rack‐wheel; spur‐wheel
tandsetter saw‐set; swage
tandskyf ratch; ratchet
tandstang rack
tandsteek circular pitch
tandsteen tartar; toph; tophus
tandstelsel dentition
tandstopsel stopping
tandtang dental forceps
tandtegnikus dental mechanic
tandverrotting tooth decay
tandvleis gum
tandvormig dentate; dentiform
tandvulling stopping
tandwalvis toothed whale
tandwortel fang
tussentands interdental
uittand dent; dint; indent
uittandskêr pinking shears; pinking scissors
valstand artificial tooth
verstandtand wisdom tooth
vertanding joggle; serration; tooth; toothing
voortand foretooth; front tooth
wieltand mill‐cog
wisseltand milk‐molar; milk tooth