Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes strongman

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(human being; human)
🔗 What sort of men were they who tended these fires?
(fellow; male; bloke)
(agent; operative);
(human race; mankind; humanity)
(vigorous; forceful; tough; stallwart; powerful)
; ;
🔗 She wanted to stay with his strong arms around her and his cock buried deeply in her for ever.
(firm; robust; sturdy; burly; resistant; rugged; solid; tough; able‐bodied; hefty; stout)
🔗 Smaller grain size makes a ceramic stronger, because the larger a grain is, the easier it is for cracks to both form and spread.
🔗 Hence, this is not a strong argument.
🔗 While the odour of urine can vary somewhat, in most cases, it does not have a strong smell.
🔗 Strong winds forced a flight at Heathrow Airport to abort its landing seconds after touching down on the runway.

man bemannen; Mann; Mensch
strong fest; hochprozentig; kräftig; stark

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