Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes dream‐world

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(daydream; fancy; muse)
🔗 Whatever happens, though, Putin’s dreams of establishing Russia as a great power on the back of its military strength are over, and so too are his ambitions of securing a legacy as one of the nation’s great state‐builders.
🔗 She looked back and Mazirian saw the face over her shoulder as a face in a dream.
🔗 We are living in a world where dictators support each other to retain their power.
🔗 Russian state TV presents a picture that is worlds away from the realities of the battleground.
🔗 The world can be a dangerous place when one is a stranger.
🔗 In Trump’s world, there seems to be little wrong with lying to get the advantage.

dream Traum; träumen
world Welt

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