Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes by far

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(at; beside; near; near to; next to; alongside);
(at; on; upon; over; to); ; ;
(according to; along; following; from; after; in accordance with; per); ; ; ; ;
an … entlang
; ;
🔗 With a population of 600,000— microscopic by Chinese city standards—Macao doesn’t only rely on tourists from mainland China, with a sizeable chunk of its workforce also crossing the border every day.
(by means of; on; through; with; via); ;
🔗 It has creeping roots, by which it multiplies very quickly.
(beyond; past; behind)
(from; of; on);
🔗 In 58 BC Cyprus was annexed by the Roman Republic.
(at; beside; with; next to; in the case of; among; on); ;
(during; at; for; over)
(distant; remote; far‐away)
🔗 Her eyes stared at something in the far distance.
(extremely; hugely; greatly);
🔗 The bar was set low, far too low, for Trump.
(away; forth; off; yonder; afar)
🔗 Not many around here have gone as far.

by far bei weitem; weitaus
by an; bei; bis; bis zu; durch; indem; mal; mit; neben knapp; per; um; von; vorbei; zu; über
far weit; weit entfernt; weitaus